Paris Vignettes, Volume 8, by William O’Such

Paris Vignettes, Volume 8, by William O’Such

Editor’s note: This is the eighth installment in the “Paris Vignettes” series by photographer William O’Such. William was introduced to silver halide photography by his father, Chester J. O’Such, via the family’s Ansco reflex camera and home darkroom. After college, William worked as a photographic engineer at Eastman Kodak, where he began to learn the art of photography. With his first SLR, a Canon AE-1, he photographed his inaugural voyage to Paris in 1982. This early spark turned into full passion when William became a Kodak expatriate in Paris from 1995-99. Before returning to the USA, William and his future wife Ineke bought an apartment in the Marais district. William continues to visit Paris at least twice a year to wander the streets, camera in hand, looking for the next vignette.

His photos are available for sale by contacting him at [email protected]. To see the entirety of his collection, visit

Before our March trip took a COVID-19 detour, I had a brief time to capture some moments before restrictions went in place. Afterwards, I did go out for short walks and captured less photos than normal. March is a mix of clouds and sunshine with an energy throughout Paris that spring is just around the corner. During the early part of the trip I finally was able to organize a street photography workshop with Jerome Lorieau a few days before we could only go out for “déplacements brefs.” We wandered from Saint-Germain to the Grand Boulevards, with Jerome providing hints on how to capture the day-to-day life in Paris from his perspective. Enjoy these photos and we look forward to our trip this summer when we can go back to being flâneurs in Paris.

Soirée – Le Griffon

Before the social distancing announcement and requirements to fill out an “attestation” to go outside, we visited a new local place for drinks and light food called Le Griffon on rue des Francs Bourgeois. Great mix of old and new décor and a happy crowd. Too bad we couldn’t go back there. Next trip!

Dimanche, Champs-Elysées. Photo: William O’Such

Dimanche le long de Champs-Elysées

Just after the announcement, people weren’t 100% following the rules and that warm, sunny Sunday this woman was elegantly reading on a bench along the Champs-Elysées.   In some ways, it was like a holiday. That evening, the government, noticing this, really stepped up controls on “déplacements” and social distancing.

Sortant le Metro. Photo: William O’Such

Sortant le Metro

When you leave the metro, one is always looking up. This time I looked down and caught these footsteps going up the escalator.

Pont Neuf. Photo: William O’Such

Pont Neuf

Even though I’ve been to Paris many times since living there in the late 90s, I never get tired of the view from Pont des Arts and Pont Neuf especially on those beautiful days with a few clouds in the sky.

Ou sont mes chaussures? Photo: William O’Such

Ou sont mes chaussures?

During the class with Jerome, we stumbled across this scene near the Grands Boulevards. I wish I had more time to wait for a set of high-heeled shoes to go by next to these neatly abandoned shoes.

Wishing the crisis was over. Photo: William O’Such

Wishing the crisis was over

Walking through the park just across from the Louvre I came across this statue that I’ve never seen before (one thinks that after 25+ years I’d have seen everything in central Paris!). The statue reflects a lot of the feelings I saw of many people that day.

Personne. Photo: William O’Such


Realize this is 1 pm on a bright sunny day near the Louvre. Usually these arcades are full of people. Not today. No one.

Social Distancing. Photo: William O’Such

Social Distancing

The park benches near Ile-Saint-Louis are at a perfect social distancing separation. During the trip there were regularly couples or individuals passing the day looking at the Seine.

Reflets, Canal Saint Martin. Photo: William O’Such

Reflets, Canal Saint Martin

I love the reflections in Canal Saint-Martin. They are always different, detailed and enticing. You can see more from the trip in this album.

En attendant le Réouverture. Photo: William O’Such

En attendant le Réouverture

Square Achille is just around the corner and always filled with children playing, people reading books and general happiness. Today, the birds were very happy chirping away but I’m sure the park and its neighbors are looking forward to the re-opening.

Coucher de Soleil. Photo: William O’Such

Coucher de Soleil

March still has that wonderful crispness of shadows when the sun sets. Here a single person enjoys the last hour of sunshine.

Après la Crise. Photo: William O’Such

Après la Crise

In the previous series (Vignettes 007), there was a black-and-white photo of Place des Vosges with the gates closed. Here is what we are looking forward to, hopefully, in the near future– albeit with more than just the bird that was there.

If you enjoyed these, you can visit these other links for Vignettes 001, Vignettes 002, Vignettes 003, Vignettes 004, Vignettes 005, Vignettes 006 and Vignettes 007. You can see the full albums from this trip at this link.

Lead photo credit : Soirée – Le Griffon. Photo: William O'Such

More in Paris photos, Paris Vignettes, photography in Paris, street photography

Previous Article 5 More Books to Read about Paris
Next Article 50 Things I Miss About Paris: Part IX

William was introduced to silver halide photography by his father, Chester J. O’Such, via the family’s Ansco reflex camera and home darkroom. After college, William worked as a photographic engineer at Eastman Kodak, where he began to learn the art of photography. With his first SLR, a Canon AE-1, he photographed his inaugural voyage to Paris in 1982. This early spark turned into full passion when William became a Kodak expatriate in Paris from 1995-99. Before returning to the USA, William and his future wife Ineke bought an apartment in the Marais district. Inspired by Bresson, William continues to visit Paris at least twice a year to wander the streets, camera in hand, looking for the next vignette. His photos are available for sale by visiting


  • Bill O'Such
    2020-05-15 10:48:24
    Bill O'Such
    Hi Kathleen, thank you and I know what you mean. I had tickets to return in July but unsure when we can revisit without a quarantine and stress of flying. I'll be going back through my 20 years of photos a lot to create these vignettes. Best, Bill.


  • Kathleen Travis
    2020-05-15 10:22:49
    Kathleen Travis
    I am so enjoying your beautiful photographs of Paris. I had to cancel my trip and am longing to return to your beautiful City soon. I savor every photograph which bring back memories of strolling the streets, window shopping. . . everywhere something beautiful to see. I just heard that parts of Paris are opening up! Such great news. Thank you so much. Warmly, Kathleen Travis USA


  • Kathleen Oliver
    2020-05-15 07:56:41
    Kathleen Oliver
    Thank you William. I am desperately missing my spring trip to Paris this year. Your photos are so welcome! Not sure if I will be returning again. I relive my walks in beautiful Paris with every one of your lovely photos. Gratefully, Kathleen Oliver