Flâneries in Paris: Saint Paul and Place des Vosges

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Flâneries in Paris: Saint Paul and Place des Vosges
This is the ninth in a series of walking tours highlighting the sites and stories of diverse districts of Paris. Coming up the steps at the St Paul metro station, where the Rue de Rivoli meets the Rue St Antoine, I’m thinking of the elegant Place des Vosges a few minutes’ walk away, of Victor Hugo and of the gossipy 17th-century socialite Madame de Sévigné, who both lived in this area. But I’m snapped back to the 21st century at the top of the steps by a cheerful community action group dispensing snacks to volunteers for a neighborhood clean-up, and a group of street musicians jollying things along. There’s a piled-high pavement fruit stall and a backdrop of enticing foodie shops. I’m already looking forward to returning after my walk! Just along the Rue St Antoine is the Church of St Paul and St Louis which I know has popped up numerous times in the history books; Cardinal Richelieu, no less, celebrated the first mass in the new building in 1641, but in the next century, the revolutionary Robespierre followed him into the pulpit, railing against religion and preaching his Cult of Reason. Not unconnected, in 1792 five parish priests were murdered here, in the September Massacres, which followed the revolution. Église Saint-Paul-Saint-Louis de Paris. Photo credit: Chabe01 / Wikimedia commons But as I gaze at the beautiful high-domed ceiling, the person I think of is Victor Hugo. This was his church, the place where his children were baptized and to which he surely came for solace after the death of his favorite daughter Léopoldine. She was married here, then drowned in a boating accident just months after the wedding. She was 19 and pregnant and her husband drowned trying to save her. Auguste de Châtillon, Léopoldine and the Book of Hours, around 1835. (Depicting Victor Hugo’s daughter.) Public domain Crossing the Rue St Antoine, I take the little Rue de Birague as a direct route to the Place des Vosges. I pass charming little shops like Y-Ness, where the window is filled with those nonchalantly thrown-together smart-casual outfits the French are so good at, and then go under the archway at the end to find one of my favorite Paris vistas. Occasionally it’s my privilege to take someone who doesn’t know what’s coming along this route and I always await their delight with anticipation. For, just through the arches, the stunning Place des Vosges opens up in all its 17th-century glory.

Lead photo credit : Place des Vosges. Photo credit: Marko Maras/ Flickr

More in Flaneries, Flâneries in Paris, Paris Neighbourhood, Place des Vosges, Saint Paul Metro

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After a career teaching Modern Languages (French and German), Marian turned to freelance writing and is now a member of the British Guild of Travel Writers, specializing in all things French and – especially! – Parisian. She’s in Paris as often as possible, visiting places old and new, finding out their stories and writing it all up as soon as she gets home. She also runs the podcast series City Breaks, offering in-depth coverage of popular city break destinations, with lots of background history and cultural information. The Paris series currently has 22 episodes, but more will surely follow when time allows!


  • Nancy Russell
    2022-09-15 06:41:50
    Nancy Russell
    Just wonderful piece makes one feel THERE. Thank you.


    • Marian Jones
      2022-09-17 10:25:58
      Marian Jones
      Ah, Merci Nancy. I love this area. When I have an hour or two to spare while I am in Paris, I pop over to the St Paul metro station and go for wander. You can't beat it!


      • Rita Kalra
        2022-09-17 08:31:03
        Rita Kalra
        It would be nice if you could include a little map outlining the route. I enjoy your little walks and descriptions of scenes along the way.


        • Marian Jones
          2022-09-19 08:59:25
          Marian Jones
          Thank you, Rita. I think including a map in these pieces is a great idea and I will pass it on to the editorial team. I'm sure they will look into it and see if it can be done.
