Search results for: karen Fawcett
This newsletter is dedicated to “Born to Shop” Suzy Gershman who died on July 25, 2012 after a brave but...
“Best of 2011” by Karen Fawcett Karen Fawcett is the publisher of BonjourParis in year 20-something of her love affair with...
Question: As ‘boomers’, it is important to get a feeling of how the travel industry has changed, and how your...
Soupe de carottes à la Karen (Karen’s Carrot Soup) If you have someone in your life who hates vegetables, here’s...
Years ago, when readying for an exchange program in France, my professors cautioned about the unlikely chances of hob-nobbing with...
Karen Fawcett, president of Bonjour Paris, answers a question from our readers. Hi, Ms Fawcett, Would you happen to know...
Karen Fawcett, president of Bonjour Paris, answers a question from our readers. Hi Karen, My husband and I will again...
Karen Fawcett, president of Bonjour Paris, answers a question from readers. Hi Karen – My husband and I live in...
Note: Please send all questions for Karen to Dear Chuck: Those who scream the loudest receive the most publicity....
Karen Fawcett, the founder and former owner of Bonjour Paris, recalls the kindness of Parisian neighbors in the aftermath of 9/11.
[Editor’s note: We recently announced the relaunch of and were thrilled to hear from the website’s founder, Bob Ellis....