Christine de Pizan: Poetry in a Time of Dislocation

In this time of pandemic and great social and economic dislocation and pain, the place for art is critical. Art can soothe us but, more importantly, it can remind us that the love of ideas and beauty and the persistence of a humane spirit still matter. In fact, they may save us.
Recently I have been reading some of the great French poets and I propose to share them with you. In this series, I will choose one poem from each of my favorite poets and translate it for you. These poems will be illustrated with some of my fine art photography. I hope they bring you peace and joy. (Click here for previous installments: Charles Baudelaire, Guillaume Apollinaire, Paul Valéry and Paul Verlaine.)
In the fifth essay, I bring you Christine de Pizan (1364 – c. 1430). A renowned medieval feminist author and feminist, Christine de Pizan was also a prolific poet. Her poem, “Source de Plour, Riviére de Tristece,” is in the medieval French dialect called Occitan.
Source de plour, riviere de tristece,
Flun de doulour, mer d’amertume pleine
M’avironnent et noyent en grant peine
Mon pauvre cuer qui trop sent de destresce.
Si m’affondent et plungent en asprece;
Car parmi moy cuerent plus fort que Saine
Source de plour, riviere de tristece.
Et leurs grans floz cheent a grant largece,
Si com le vent de Fortune les meine,
Tous dessus moy, dont si bas suis qu’a peine
Releveray, tant durement m’oppresse
Source de plour, riviere de tristece.

Photo: Fern Nesson
My Translation:
Fountains of tears, rivers of sadness, streams of grief and bitter seas surround me. I drown in deep pain,
My poor heart suffers boundless distress.
I sink deep into despair:
more powerful than the Seine,
over me flow
fountains of tears, rivers of sadness.
The winds of Fortune heave and strain, creating great waves that hurl me below, so deep that to rise again
is impossible.
Fountains of tears, rivers of sadness.

Photo: Fern Nesson
Lead photo credit : Photo: Fern Nesson