Free Museums and Monuments in Paris for People Under 26

Free Museums and Monuments in Paris for People Under 26

For people under 26 years old, Paris is a treasure trove of free activities. While some are free for everyone, there are many museums and monuments that offer free admission for under-26yearolds. Here we’ve highlighted some favorites, followed by a complete list of museums and monuments are are free for those under 26. While some of these places require that you be an EU citizen or permanent resident of France in order to qualify for free admission, they’re worth checking out to learn more about the history and culture of the City of Light.  

A copy of “The Thinker” in the Rodin Museum gardens. Photo: Jill Amari


Musée Rodin 

Celebrating the work of sculptor and artist Auguste Rodin, the Musée Rodin features a gorgeous mansion filled with Rodin’s work and a large garden with famous works such as The Thinker and The Gates of Hell. Enjoy the sunny summer weather while exploring this unique museum.

Address: 77 rue de Varenne, 7th arrondissement 

Le Musée de la Poste 

Ever wondered how La Poste, France’s post office, came to be? If so, the Musée de la Poste is for you. This unusual museum is dedicated to sharing the history of the post office and postal workers and has been open since 1946. Collections include the museum’s exhaustive stamp archive and vintage post cards.  

Address: 34 Boulevard de Vaugirard, 15th arrondissement 

Le Musée des Égouts

Explore the “city below the city” by descending into Paris’s sewers—that’s right, sewers—at the Musée des Égouts. Whether you’re interested in the mysteries of Paris’s subterranean network, or want to learn more about the history of Paris’s sewers and public health programs, this remarkable museum is sure to fascinate.

Address: 93 Quai d’Orsay, 7th arrondissement 

The loggia of Hotel de la Marine overlooking Place de la Concorde. © Sarah Bartesaghi Truong


L’Hôtel de la Marine

Explore beautiful architecture and apartments while learning about the history of France’s Navy at the Hôtel de la Marine. A relatively new monument and museum, the Hôtel de la Marine includes interactive exhibits and an audio tour. Once you’ve walked through the exhibits, take a stroll along the scenic balcony with views of the Luxor Obelisk and Eiffel Tower. 

Address: 2 Place de la Concorde, 8th arrondissement 

The garden of the BNF Richelieu. Photo: Jill Amari

La BNF Richelieu

The BNF (Bibliothèque Nationale de France) at the Richelieu site is a museum, research library, and monument all in one. If you’re a lover of books, the arts, or history, this is the place for you. Explore ancient relics, rare pieces of art, handwritten manuscripts from famous writers and musicians, and much more. The visit to the museum is free for people under 26, while anyone can work in or visit the Salle Ovale (Oval Room) and the courtyard for free. Please note that some rooms are accessible by library members only.

Address: 5 rue Vivienne, 2nd arrondissement (entrance for non-members of the library) 

Complete List of Free Museums & Monuments for People Under 26


  • Le Musée des Arts Décoratifs 
  • Le Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle de Paris in the Jardin des Plantes (free entry for all to the garden) 
  • La Galerie de Paléontologie et d’Anatomie Comparée in the Jardin des Plantes (free entry for all to the garden) 
  • La Grande Galerie de l’Évolution in the Jardin des Plantes (free entry for all to the garden) 
  • Le Musée du Quai Branly-Jacques Chirac 
  • Le Musée de la Pharmacie 
  • Musée National de la Marine 
  • Le Musée des Arts Asiatiques 
  • Le Musée de Cluny 
  • Le Musée des Plans Reliefs 
  • Musée de l’Histoire de l’Immigration 
  • Musée Delacroix 
  • Centre Pompidou 
  • Musée du Louvre 
  • Quai de la Photo 

The Louvre Museum, Photo: Seryani/Flickr


  • L’Hôtel de la Marine 
  • La Cité de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine 
  • La Monnaie de Paris 
  • La Conciergerie 
  • Le Panthéon 
  • La BnF Richelieu 
  • La Chapelle Expiatoire 

Lead photo credit : Bibliothèque nationale de France, Photo: vincent desjardins/Flickr

More in free things to do, Hôtel de la Marine, Museum, Paris for free, Paris museums, rodin

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Jill Amari is a writer and environmental activist from Massachusetts, USA, now living in Paris. She has a B.A. in English and is a passionate writer of short stories, poems, songs, blogs and novels. She is currently querying her first YA fantasy/sci-fi novel, and her day jobs include tutoring and freelance writing. After studying in Paris for four months in 2022 and having returned in summer 2023, she has found no end to the inspiring nature of the capital and the charm of French culture. You can follow her journey on Instagram or on her website