The Hood Pops up at Le Citizen Hotel This Summer
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As The Hood prepares to close its doors for summer renovations, the coffee shop and bistro launches another exciting project today, partnering with Le Citizen Hotel on a new menu of fresh Asian barbecue dishes.
The Hood’s co-owner, and Masterchef champion, Khanh-Ly Huynh has teamed up with Adelie Delajot, head of the kitchen at Le Citizen, to curate the new menu inspired by both chefs’ signature dishes and styles.
The partnership makes perfect sense not only in terms of timing, but also with regards to each chef’s cuisine and philosophy. While Khanh-Ly looks to her Vietnamese heritage to fuse together Asian and French dishes, Adelie takes her inspiration from afar after spending time in Australia, the U.S.A., and South-East Asia. Both also champion locally sourced produce, small and sustainable producers, going organic where possible, and great coffee! And like The Hood’s well-known music events, Le Citizen also opens its doors to various creative endeavors with after-work events focused around art, music, and gastronomy.
Regulars worried about spending the summer without their bahn mi fix can still find The Hood’s signature sandwiches on the menu, veggie option included, along with light summery dishes such as salad and gazpacho du jour, vegetables pickled in-house, and seasonal fruits. With this being barbecue season there is also plenty of tender pork in the form of ribs and gua bao, and we can certainly vouch for the delicious brochette de poulpe (octopus kebab).
Le Citizen will also be serving up its collection of French craft beers, excellent coffee courtesy of Brûlerie Lanni, including a special vegan iced chai latte, and throwing its doors open onto the canal to bring the summer in. Alternatively, the menu is also available to take-away to soak up the sun with a canal-side picnic.
The Asian summer barbecue pop-up will run from July 15 to September from 7am until 10pm. Le Citizen is located on the Canal St Martin at 96 Quai de Jemmapes in the 10th.
The Hood’s space at 80 rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud will reopen in September.
Lead photo credit : Le Citizen Hotel