Favorite Places Near Notre-Dame de Paris

The Comfort of Familiarity – The Challenge of Discovering Paris Again and Again I’m in love with Paris, and that love is unconditional, as all great loves should be. But as with any long-term relationship, I understand that it will always be a combination of cozy familiarity, annoyances that have to be overlooked (like the McDonalds in the Fifth, and the new Starbucks), and new and exciting discoveries that keep the flame burning. Thus, when I return to Paris this week, I look forward to finding something new to explore and remember. Perhaps I will again feel my heart race when I happen upon a new place or an unknown corner of an otherwise familiar district, as happened last spring, when I took my first boat tour of the Canal St.-Martin. But even more, I anticipate curling up and purring into the warm embrace of my favorite little parks and cafés, and the comfy familiarity of those places where I most like to sit, stand, stroll, read, eat or drink. Some of those places are in the neighborhood around Nôtre-Dame. Musée de Sculpture en Plein Air: Walk east from Nôtre-Dame along Quai de la Tournelle, past the bouquinistes, and across Pont de Sully (the bridge that takes you to the far side of Ile St-Louis) to Quai St. Bernard. You’ll find yourself right across from Rue Cuvier (a couple of blocks east of Pont de Sully), and can then walk down to the river’s edge and the Musée de Sculpture en Plein Air, in the Jardin Tino Rossi. As you wander through the sculpture garden and surrounding lawns, you have a sense of being somehow in a secret place. The garden is not immediately apparent from the street and seldom has more than one or two other visitors on its paths. I didn’t find it until my fifth Paris trip, and then only because I purchased the Time Out Book of Paris Walks, and discovered this sculpture garden and the Jardin de la rue de Bièvre (below) in the chapter entitled Untouched Spaces by Christopher Kenworthy. I often walk the narrow paths, study the sculptures (modern and interesting), gaze at the water and the bâteaux-mouches floating by, as well as the houseboats. Several times, I’ve seen a barge carrying trees and plants tied up to that piece of shore. Some day I’ll find out why it’s there. My favorite View of Nôtre-Dame: I sometimes walk west along the Seine from the Musée de Sculpture en Plein Air, past the Pont de Sully to Pont de La Tournelle. I love to stop at the archway made by its supports, because through that arch, in a curved, concrete frame, you see Nôtre-Dame de Paris from the rear. Not the church of the photos, but another, spectacularly beautiful side, the flying buttresses framed for private and quiet viewing, its parapets holding up a canopy of blue. With no tour groups or souvenir sellers, there’s nothing to get between the cathedral’s beauty and your eyes. The last time I was there, I was alone except for a painter who had set up his easel just at the entrance to the arch. Le Jardin de la Rue de Bièvre: Continue along the Seine to Pont de l ‘Archèveché, then up the steps to the street and cross over to the other side of Quai de la Tournelle. Turn right (west) again to discover the tiny rue de Bièvre. Turn left (south) and just a little ways down, on your right, is the Jardin de la rue de Bièvre, sheltered by buildings on three sides, inhabited by birds, lush trees and plants. Since the first time I was led there by the “Untouched Spaces” walk, I’ve often returned to sit quietly with a book or write in my journal. One day, I heard the sounds of classical piano wafting from an open window. There was no one else in this little alcove of peace but me and a group of small gray-bellied birds singing to each other from the branches, and foraging for food in the gravel. Another time, there were two other people in the Jardin — a little boy and his father. The child, in denim overalls, ran around chortling and smiling, with a toddler’s quick, birdlike steps, his happy sounds mingling in a concert with the birds. The Jardin was quiet enough so that his squeals, the birds’ chirps, and his Italian father’s occasional loving, laughing comment were the only sounds. Square Ile de France and Déportation Monument: Immediately behind Nôtre-Dame there’s a lovely park with benches, flowers and statuary. It is much quieter than the front of the building and a lovely place to contemplate the beauty and grandeur of the church up close, without the crowds. A couple of years ago I went there to read, accompanied by Volume One of Thirza Valois’ Around and About Paris, which covers Paris’ first seven arrondissements. As I read, I discovered that the park and garden just across the street on the east (the Square Ile de France) was once a part of the park in which I was sitting and that the intervening street was cut through the park to siphon off traffic. I also read that at the far end of the Square Ile de France there is a memorial and crypt built to commemorate the 200,000 French citizens who were deported to German concentration camps from France during World War II. Though I had walked by that spot many times, I had never noticed the memorial because it is mostly below street level. I crossed the street to explore. Blood-red letters are cut into the low but stark stone wall, reading “Martyrs Français de la Déportation – 1945.” In a courtyard below the wall is a sculpture made primarily of black, sharp triangular iron protrusions (according to Vallois, these are to commemorate the flesh lacerated by the Nazis). The first time…
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Michele is a corporate lawyer and writer who visits France often and is convinced she must have been French in an earlier life -probably hanging around with Ernest Hemingway during what she calls his "cute" stage, living on Cardinal Lemoine and writing on rue Descartes - which just happens to be be her usual stomping ground. From her first time in Paris and that first feeling of familiarity she has returned often as if it is her second home. Now the hotels are Airbnb apartments and she enjoys being a short-term local and shopping at the market, cooking her own meals. Sitting on her own Paris balcony , a wineglass or morning coffee in hand, she writes her journal, describing her walks around town as the proverbial flâneur and taking notes for the future’s stories and travel pieces.