A Conversation on the Train

The American couple pushed through the crowded TGV and paused when they spotted two empty seats, one facing the other.    “Are these places free?” The American spoke French rapidly and correctly, and a plain-faced, middle-aged woman answered his question by jumping energetically to her feet.    “Absolutely,” she said, welcoming the couple with a smile and an expansive gesture. “Sit down right here. I noticed an accent. Are you American? I love Americans! Let’s speak English!”   The American woman moved quietly into the corner seat. “I see you two are going to get on famously,” she said. “I think I’ll just have a nap.”   “Now tell me,” continued the Frenchwoman, “where in the States do you come from.”   The American continued to speak French. “We’re from Boston and Vermont,” he said. “But we live in Provence and in Paris. Have you been to America?”   “Many many times. I love America! I want to retire there and get out of this stupid country as fast as I can go.”   The people in the seats across the aisle heard the comment and began to squirm.   “Anyone who has an independent point of view in this country might just as well kill himself,” the woman added.   Sitting directly across the aisle was a strikingly handsome and elegant young man with a café au lait complexion. In his late twenties, tall, poised and beautifully dressed, he had been quietly working on his laptop, but he looked up with a frown when the Frenchwoman threw down her conversational gauntlet.   “Madame,” he said, in an accent that communicated both privilege and education. “Do you honestly believe France is such a terrible place?”    The woman looked at him with scorn. “I’m three times your age, Monsieur,” she said, significantly exaggerating the difference in their ages. “When you have as many gray hairs as I have, you can express your opinions. Until then, you would be well advised to listen to your elders.”   The young man lifted an aristocratic eyebrow. “I was not aware that age had anything to do with wisdom,” he said.   “Well, now you know.”   French trains usually have a few seats arranged in blocks of four, two seats facing forward and two facing back. The foursome across the aisle was now listening intently to the conversation.   “I don’t agree with you either,” interjected a sad-faced blond woman sitting in the corner opposite the young man. “People in France are free to say anything they want. You shouldn’t be talking like that to people from abroad.”   “Let me tell you something,” said the woman. “My son could never get an education in this country because he was always a dissenter. He was thrown out of twenty schools, one after another: I finally had to take him to America to get an education. In America, you always have another chance. In America there’s always a fresh start, no  matter what.”   The woman across the aisle looked wounded. “My son has had problems too. I’ve tried so hard to help him, but he was never been able to fit in. And now, finally…” Her lower lip began to tremble. “And now, finally, I’ve had to have him hospitalized…”   “Well,” said the woman brazenly. “It’s entirely your own fault. The whole system here stinks. The French are totally opposed to anyone who is “different” or unique. You should have fought for him against the system. Everyone here should fight against the system!”   The woman across the aisle was no match for such assertiveness. She burst into tears and stumbled to her feet. “I can’t listen to this any more,” she cried, pushing past the other passengers. “How could you, how could you!”  And with tears streaming down her cheeks, she fled down the corridor and out of the conversation.   “I wish you would continue your conversation in English,” said the elegant young man. “Then the rest of us wouldn’t have to listen to it.” With an angry frown, he returned to his laptop.   “Now,” said the woman, turning a beaming smile on the American. “Tell me where you live in America.”   “We don’t live in America,” he answered. “We live in Provence. And I can’t imagine how anyone who had the luxury of a choice would choose to live in America rather than France. If you know America so well, you should know that it is an bad, bad place. Think George Bush. Think Iraq. Think of the thousands of people killed by the Americans. Think racism and discrimination and religious fanaticism.”   The woman frowned and pursed her lips. “Yes, I agree, that is a bad part of America. But Bush is only one president and the times will change. Overall, America is and always has been a tremendously open, democratic country. It has modern technology and modern ideas; it is therefore totally different from France, which is governed by a set of moldering, archaic rules of social behavior inherited from the court of Louis XIV.”   “Maybe yes and maybe no,” said the American. “But in my opinion the America of your imagination –the open, generous America that everyone in the world once admired—simply has ceased to exist. George Bush has used 9/11 to enact some of the most anti-democratic legislation in the western world; he has twisted the constitution and has multiplied and compounded the injustices and discriminations of a country that was only just beginning to move away from  injustice and discrimination.”   “Perhaps there is less discrimination and dire poverty in France than there is in America,” the Frenchwoman acknowledged. “But France has paid a heavy price for this so-called “equality.” Anyone here who is “different,” anyone who fails to conform to the dreary “norm”–anyone, in short, who is a real person–runs the risk of ending up, like that poor woman’s son, in the crazy house. In today’s France, we have achieved some kind of social equality: the price we have paid is universal mediocrity.   “In America, on the other hand, everyone can do what they want: how do you say it, “they do their own thing.” When I am in America I feel free to be myself. That’s…
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