Let it Snow in Paris: Photos from the City of Light, Covered in White

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Let it Snow in Paris: Photos from the City of Light, Covered in White
The last substantial snow I can remember was over four years ago, so when snow finally comes to Paris, it’s big deal. People ask me what I miss about New York City and I always say the blizzards which almost shut down the city. The snow started on Tuesday afternoon this week and fell all the way through Wednesday evening. Luckily it was the kind that stuck! We received about 3-4 inches and although that doesn’t seem like a lot, it wreaked havoc with car traffic and the bus system. Locals struggled to manage the slushy streets without proper snow boots, tourists wearing high heels and skirts were caught off guard, and cars and motorcycles had to be dug out. The upside of the snowstorm is the striking beauty of a soft, white blanket canvasing the city. From the hills of Montmartre with the Byzantine domes of Sacré-Cœur, to Roman and Greek statues in the Tuileries, to red balloons flying next to Saint Paul metro, to the symmetrical alleyway of bare branches in the gardens of the Palais Royal frosted in white powder, to stacked café chairs collecting a pillow of snow, Paris played its role of a winter wonderland superbly. The snow also brought out the child in all of us as I gleefully observed little tots, teenagers, parents, and grandparents slyly stone snowballs at each other while laughing hysterically. Even the snowmen are distinctly Parisian as I chuckled upon seeing one wearing a beret and a cigarette hanging from its mouth. In case you missed the snow on Wednesday and Thursday, don’t be glum, we’re supposed to receive a fresh new batch on Friday.

Lead photo credit : Snowfall in Montmartre. Photo: Richard Nahem

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Richard Nahem is the creator of the popular blog www.eyepreferparis.com, with three weekly posts about art, history, fashion, food, shopping, architecture and restaurant reviews. He also writes about Paris and European travel and his articles and photos have appeared in The Guardian, Romantic Paris, Passport Magazine, Travel Agent Central, Luxury Travel Advisor and Bonjour Paris. He recently edited the National Geographic "Walking Tours of Paris" Guidebook. Richard also leads private insider tours of Paris, www.eyepreferparistours.com, showing clients the Paris they never usually see on their own. With over 440 five star reviews on Tripadvisor, his specialty tours include Le Marais, Saint Germain des Pres, Chocolate and Pastry Tours, Flea Market Tours, Gourmet Food Tours, and Cooking Classes.


  • Marc Cogan
    2018-02-20 16:27:26
    Marc Cogan
    I just ran across Richard's photo today. I wondered if the statue was someone's attempt to render in 3 dimensions Masaccio's painting of Adam after the Fall (from the Chiesa del Carmine, I think, in Florence). Thanks, Richard. --Marc


  • Marketing de Negócios
    2018-02-17 11:02:36
    Marketing de Negócios
    Fotos maravilhosas. Não gosto do frio. Mas, Paris é lindo. Tenho uma sobrinha que nas férias dela faz questão de ir sempre à Paris .


  • Jeanette Shaw
    2018-02-15 14:25:25
    Jeanette Shaw
    The statue of the man holding his head is one of my favorites. I photographed it years ago and turned it into a card!!!


  • Judi Rana
    2018-02-13 05:35:48
    Judi Rana
    The photos are truly special. Thank you for sharing!


  • Madhumati Dutta
    2018-02-09 22:04:22
    Madhumati Dutta
    Thanks so much! They are wonderful photos - expressing the winter mood of the city. Enjoyed.


  • Jim Jansen
    2018-02-09 10:46:33
    Jim Jansen
    Great blog!


  • Lori
    2018-02-08 20:50:16
    Such beautiful photos, so serene. Paris is always wonderful but I find her especially appealing when she is robed in fresh fallen snow.


  • Gail Williams
    2018-02-08 17:29:28
    Gail Williams
    Love the photos. I missed snow when I lived in Paris!


  • Sandra Fischer
    2018-02-08 17:15:16
    Sandra Fischer
    Love the photo of the geranium's leaves frosted in white and the stack of old chairs... right now we have plenty of white stuff where we live. ..enjoy your posts!!!


  • Patricia Schneider
    2018-02-08 15:50:48
    Patricia Schneider
    I rent an apt. in Paris for several weeks every year, and have spent Christmas there...unfortunately, it's never snow during my visits! Hopefully at some point, when I'm spending part of the year-4-6 months-in that incredible city. The town looks even more ravishing, if that's possible, sur la neige!


  • Nicholas Cox
    2018-02-08 15:24:11
    Nicholas Cox
    Great photos! I moved to Paris on the 13th March, 2013, the snow was really thick then: https://nicholasjcoxinparis.wordpress.com/2016/10/26/jarrive/


  • Lee
    2018-02-08 15:12:28
    I wish I was there. I love your pictures Richard.


  • Pamela Welham
    2018-02-08 14:25:25
    Pamela Welham
    Gorgeous- such a different look for Paris. Thanks for sending!


  • sally vegso
    2018-02-08 13:43:13
    sally vegso
    Thank you, Richard. Snow changes the landscape in a magical way and I am so glad you were out with your camera.


  • Richard
    2018-02-08 11:38:18
    Thanks so much


  • Michele Kurlander
    2018-02-08 08:10:47
    Michele Kurlander
    Wonderful photos, Richard. Strange and beautiful to see such scenes, from here in snow covered Chicago, in the streets of Paris Your pics of the unusual Paris white, with the occasional bright spot of color, are brilliant.