Veau à la persillade – Veal with Garlic, Shallot and Parsley Sauce

Veau à la persillade – Veal with Garlic, Shallot and Parsley Sauce
Got vacation plans on your mind? This week, I’ve got a quick dinner with a classic sauce…persillade. I’ve noticed it has been popping up here and there on menus as well as a couple of cooking magazines. It is simplicity and deliciousness all in one. Persillade is simply a finely chopped mixture of garlic and parsley. It can be used as a garnish for various meats, like in the following recipe. Mix in a few breadcrumbs, stuff it in a ripe tomato, roast and you have tomates à la provençale. Et voila: Veau à la persillade – Veal with Garlic, Shallot and Parsley Sauce Pronounced: voh / ah / lah / per see yahd Serves 2 INGREDIENTS: 7-8 oz. cherry tomatoes 2 teaspoons olive oil 1-1/2 Tablespoons unsalted butter 6 veal scallopini FOR THE PERSILLADE: 1-1/2 Tablespoons unsalted butter 1 small shallot, very finely chopped 1 garlic clove, germ removed and finely chopped 2 Tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice 2 Tablespoons finely chopped parsley leaves PREPARATION: ROAST THE TOMATOES: 1. Preheat oven to 400F. 2. Toss the tomatoes with 2 teaspoons of the olive oil. Season with salt and pepper and place on a rimmed baking dish. 3. Place in oven and roast for 10-12 minutes, just until the skins start to blister. FOR THE SCALLOPINI: 1. Melt the butter in a large skillet over med-high heat. 2. Add the scallopini and saute for about 30 seconds per side. 3. Remove the veal to a platter, cover and keep warm while making the persillade sauce. FOR THE PERSILLADE: 1. Wipe out the skillet and melt the butter over medium heat. 2. Add the shallots and garlic and cook 2-3 minutes until soft. 3. Add the lemon juice along with 2 Tablespoons of water and simmer for 1 minute. 4. Remove the skillet from the heat and stir in the parsley. To serve: Place 3 scallopini on each plate. Drizzle with some of the sauce. Serve with the roasted cherry tomatoes. Indulge your sweet tooth with zChocolat‘s exclusive selection of handmade French chocolates. Please post your comments or questions and let them flow. Register HERE to do so if you need a Bonjour Paris user name and password.

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