The Camargue Secret (with respect to Dan Brown!)

The Camargue Secret (with respect to Dan Brown!)
MondayGemini 21 May- 20 June The moon is in Leo in your 3rd house. Watch out for aftershocks from recent disturbances 5 a.m. Am woken by Limousin version of tropical rainstorm, is peeing icy stair-rods outside. Let cats in, apologise again to Gizmo for forcing her to take flying lesson from upper window last week. Think she has already forgotten same, live memory only circa 0.001 micro-octets.Cats not so bad really. Sometimes remember who you are, don’t constantly berate one, answer back etc.  Maybe marry one in next life.Tell Whinge will give him resident status, Burberry scarf, elocution lessons etc if I win Loto. Cats full of gratitude sing shaky duet. Notice Whinge’s creaky-door voice rustier than ever, perhaps has a cold. Drink tasteless tea-coloured hot water. Eat dry bread with jam. Must cosset cholesterol-soaked cells from now on. Boot laptop, open billion-selling work (no point in aiming too low).Decide heroine Apolline is my alter ego, can do anything, go anywhere, kill at will. Hmm. Perhaps not too often, readers might get confused sorting out which corpse which. Virtual affairs possible too. 5.30 Find email from Famous NY Novelist-Slavedriver. Thought I’d been abandoned by said VIP. “…characters too darned saintly, comfortable….real people have real-life problems…..” Author of Bloodbath in Limoges / Strangulation in Strasbourg certainly having real-life problems. Domestic aftermath of Brive demo v. stressful. “…and for God’s sake, find a decent title….” Huh? 6.35 Titles file now bulging. Much more enjoyable than actually writing contents of airport/rail terminal blockbuster. Have added Strang(l)er In StrasbourgBrive Lives Hmm. Not sure, think someone maybe already bagged latter. 8.30 J. singing same song as yesterday. Demo post-mortem carried out 39 times so far. Corpse v. cut up. “For heaven’s sake, don’t worry about what people think, John.  They don’t do it very often. Besides, nobody watches the news.” J. grumbles, waves revolting, cow-trodden foot. Have no sympathy, was his decision to commune closely with herd. Besides, point out have recently ingested breakfast, might outgest same on blackened toes. Discard all fleeting thoughts re housework, returning Christmas tree box to loft. Only April after all. Should have followed instincts, left tasteful natural-aspect tree as permanent salon feature. Save crawling around freezing loft in December. 9.30 Visit paper shop. Scan through publications for demo report. Find half column in Libération, fuzzy photo in local rag. Am truly disgusted. Nobody cares about Limousin. No one has even heard of Limousin. 1 p.m. J. has taken phone off hook, has bleated non-stop all morning (John and phone). Mostly friends re my TV arrest. But an alarming lack of invitations from famous presenters for interview on TF1 news. 7 p.m. Surprised Oberführer Arlette not ending pre-gym jaw-warm-up.  All Gazelles scandalized re lack of media response, mayor’s treachery. Notice small TV, video machine on table. “No disrespect to our dear mayor,” Françoise says, inserting a tape into the video player. “But Bernard has been telling porky-pies. Watch.” Squeeze between Bernadette and Babette, watch Tom flattening Jerry’s nose with large frying-pan. “Sorry…after this. There -” Join Babette in protest as cartoon fast-forwarded. Cheers at shot of village banner. Wild cheering as Grizzelle wallops cop, boos as we are led away. Then full frontal shot of smug mayor Bernard right at head of procession, few metres from François Hollande, union leaders etc. The mayor who refused to join the demo. “Ly-ing bast-ard -““Two-faced git -““Impeach zuh bugger -“ Should not really call swine bastard. (At least we agree on something – Ed) Look around, thank heavens Huguette absent. Not very pleasant to have one’s husband’s veracity and ancestry impugned. “What’s more,” Françoise says, zapping the TV, “the coach company told me that some male person” (boos)m=, “some swine phoned them on Friday night to change the arrangements,  delay the second coach by an hour.” Collective intake of breath, all air sucked out of room. Open window. Gym hall shrinking as more and more Gazelles join our Monday gallop. Everyone trying to speak at once. Wave my arms at throng. “One at a time! Me first…there’s no proof that Bernard sabotaged the transport, is there?” “No-o. But the guy heard babies yelling in the background…” Plural babies? Mayoral triplets? “Does Huguette know about this?” Françoise nods. “I took her out for a coffee this morning between feeds. She’s glad of an excuse to get away from her mother-in-law and menagerie. Says she’d pack her bags tomorrow but for the kids.”  “We’ll have to confront him, beat the truth out of him if necessary,” Nadine says, punching the air. Trips over TV lead, crashes into table. “Our objective is to get the go-ahead for the Flower Show,” Bernadette cuts in, calming things.  “He’s still the mayor. He holds all the cards.” Bernie is right of course. Notice in the brief silence Martine sitting well away from her. Obviously trying to maintain some discretion in their affair. 9.15 Have decided to give the mayor until Friday to deliver his decision re the Show. If not, we’ll bombard the media with disgraceful administrative shenanigans, force the issue. My idea, I knew someone would have family in the fourth estate. Danette’s second cousin-in-law, three times removed, is head of current affairs at France 3. TuesdayGemini 21 May- 20 June Long-awaited news will unsettle you, but the setback is surprisingly temporary 5.30 Drag poor self out from under warm quilt into spine-chilling world of virtual violence. Will now make characters ruder, more snarly etc, as in real life.  Obvious that Mme Dinde afraid of Henri de Villeneuve. Apolline wonders why, exchanges quick glance with partneress, Melamine. Studies teacher of murderees critically as he…
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