7 Great Things To Do in Paris If You’re A Girl

Agreed, Paris is the tourist destination if you are gay and want to be in a lively, welcoming place.  The city scores bragging rights when it comes to having a gay mayor, 100 restaurants, 90 bars, 17 clubs, 15 saunas and more than a dozen sex clubs that cater to rainbow flag waving clientele.  And how convenient, most of the activities are clustered in the central neighborhood of Le Marais.   There’s just one problem.  There ain’t much for the girls to do…Nah, that can’t be true.  The reality is that you might have to do a little digging in order to find the kind of space that suits your nature but they do exist.  Information listed below is intended as a guide.  Be sure to call before going to confirm concerts, DJs, hours of operation and entry requirements as places often change their schedules, are closed due to vacation or have special events planned. Le PULP 01-40-26-01-93 www.pulp.xroot.com (in French only) 25 boulevard Poissonniere, 75002.  Métro:  Grands Boulevards, line 8,9. A club for girls but sometimes mixed except for Saturday nights.  Free Wednesdays and Thursdays, 10euros on weekends and holidays. Pour example, the spot that is top on everyone’s list is the newly open Pulp.  Ladies this is destination #1 if you are looking for hot tunes and hot chicks.  And there is a night for everybody.  Wednesdays you will find mostly rock, Thursdays house, Fridays house and sometimes r’n’b-hip-hop and Fridays is all for dance music.  Look for the party to get started around mindnight and to continue until…whenever.  Be sure to check out their website to be up-to-date on special parties and their ever changing schedule.  If you are going to be in Paris during March.  You’ll want to hit la piste AKA dance floor on Friday, March 5 for the Marmelade party and Friday, March 12 for the Under Pressure birthday bash. Dida 01-42-77-15-12 16, rue de la Verrerie.  Métro:  Hotel de Ville, line 1, 11. Restaurant open until 11:30.  Bar and dancing from 6PM til 2AM Maybe you are looking for something a little more low key.  Then check out this bar/restaurant/dancefloor.  Noted for its cozy ambience this gives you a nice alternative to an all out club setting.  Le Troiseième Lieu – La Cantine des Ginettes Armées 01-48-04-85-64 62, rue Quincampoix, 75004.  Métro:  Rambuteau, line 11 or Châtelet. Open Monday through Saturday from 6PM until 2AM. If neither one of those other places is sounding like your cup of tea then head to this little spot where it is nothing but convivial with occasional expositions and shows .  Find a seat on a bench at one of the long family style tables and get comfortable for the evening.   La Scene Bastille 01-48-06-50-70; for restaurant reservations call 01-48-06-12-13 www.la-scene.com (in French only) 2, bis rue des Taillandiers, 75011.  Métro:  Bastille Entry is about 12 euros.  Party is from midnight till dawn.  Concerts earlier at 10PM. Depending on your timing, you might also be able to catch the Chochacabanna party every first Friday of the month.  Organized by Ana La Chocha, famous for her Girlspotting and Lucky Ladies soirees throws this pass once a month for the open minded beautiful girls and boys of the city.  Expect something somewhere between an music hall electronic rave party with a few performances thrown in.  Meaning basically, a darn good time. Fant’Asia 06-11-54-60-47 www.fant-asia.org (French only) HQ:  6 rue André del Sartes, 750018.  Meeting spot at Polystar every Thursday at 8:30 94, rue St. Martin, 75004.  Métro: Réamur-Sébastopol, line 4,3 or Étienne Marcel, line 4. If your taste run more to the far east then dance floor boogie then check out this social club for Asia-phones that meets weekly in a bar and karaoké joint in the 4th to discuss everything from the fight against AIDS to social changes in China.  This group has been coming together for three years but newcomers are welcome to join in their lively discussions.  Le Striptease de Barbara L’ Alambic Studio Théatre Reservations: 01-42-23-07-66 http://barbarastriptease.free.fr (French only) 12, rue Neuve de la Chardonnière, 75018.  Métro:  Simplon, line 4. Every Saturday starting at 6PM Some of you might feel confident enough with French to want to take in this lively performance.  Kick back and relax as you watch the antics of Barbara, a transvestite-psychopéripathicienne return home from a hard day at work.  Written and performed by Thierry Fontez, directed by d’Emmanuel Guillon, Barbara offers frank and funny commentary on society and her particular predicament. Olivia Ruiz CD: J’ Aime Pas L’Amour www.oliviaruiz.net (French only) If you still haven’t managed to find anything to suit your fancy then console yourself with a CD from the latest French musical success story.  Hard to believe that this fresh, young voice was part of the French Television pop talent search, Star Academy.  This CD has proven that Ruiz is more than commercial candy and that she is perfectly capable of turning out a hit.  The songs are a sort alternative rock meets traditional French music blend that should make a nice addition to your CD collection and be a fun reminder of your trip to Paris.  Not to shabby for a consolation prize.  You can pick up your copy at any FNAC or Virgin music store around town.   
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