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 38 rue Tiquetonne Paris 75002

A kiddie concept store carrying furniture, mobiles and teddy bears.

Brimo de Laroussilhe

 7 quai Voltaire, Paris 75007 Métro: Rue du Bac

A gallery founded in 1908, specializing in medieval and Renaissance furnishings including sculpture, paintings, tapestries and objets d’art.

Eurolingua Institute: Study Abroad Programmes

The Eurolingua One-to-One French language homestay immersions are available year round in some of France’s most beautiful locations.

La Belle Hortense

 31 rue Vieille-du-Temple Paris 75004

An unusual bookstore-and-bar selling paperback and hardback books, literary magazines and reasonably priced wines, to be taken home or sipped on the spot in earnest discussion with the philosophically-minded regulars.

Christian Lacroix

 2-4 place Saint Sulpice Paris 75006

The former couturier is back with a new boutique in Paris, where a small but opulent collection of accessories and housewares is displayed in a minimalist decor: colorful totes and silk scarves, Jackie O-style sunglasses and over-the-top necklaces, throw pillows, carafe-and-goblet sets and scented candles. No plans for a women's clothing label yet, but a raffish menswear line occupies a corner of the shop. 1/2013


 404 rue Saint Honoré Paris 75001

Handsome handbags, luggage and other luxury leather goods and accessories, including a top-selling canvas tote imprinted “Ceci est un IT BAG”.


 97 rue des Martyrs Paris 75018

Forty years of experience in the acquisition and restoration of precious antique frames, mirrors, and especially antique barometers has cinched Gillery's reputation.

En Attendant les Barbares

 35 rue de Grenelle Paris 75007

The pioneer gallery, which opened in 1984, boasts an A-list including unique pieces, limited and unlimited editions by Elizabeth Garouste and Mattia Bonetti, Andrée Putman, Arik Lévy, Hilton Mc Connico and Eric Schmitt.


 114 ave de Champs Elysées Paris 75008

The flagship shop for IKKS (the pronunciation of the letter X in French)—first launched in 1987 as a junior line, IKKS now has 230 outlets worldwide for its cool and casual urban attire for men, women, boys and girls.

Mémorial de la Shoah

 17 rue Geoffroy l’Asnier Paris 75004 Métro: Saint Paul

A memorial and documentation center dedicated to the history of European Jews and the Holocaust, holding regular temporary exhibits. At the entrance is the Wall of Names, inscribed with the names of 76,000 deportees. Closed Sat.

Musée Delacroix

 6 rue de Furstenberg Paris 75006 Métro: St-Germain-des-Prés

A tiny museum in Eugène Delacroix’s former home and studio, with a small collection of the artist’s paintings, drawings and memorabilia. Closed Tues.

Mémorial du Maréchal Leclerc et Hauteclocque et de la Libération de Paris & Musée Jean Moulin

 Jardin Atlantique 23 allée de la 2e DB (above the Gare Montparnasse) Paris 15th Métro: Montparnasse Bienvenüe

Two museums devoted to World War II and the French Resistance: one following the exploits of the Free French commander General Leclerc and the Liberation of Paris; the other recounting the story of Resistance hero Jean Moulin. Films, slides and documentary material. Closed Mon.
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