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Yves Saint Laurent

 6 pl Saint-Sulpice Paris 6th

The main womenswear store of the company founded by the late designer, known for the fashion revolution that put women into pants suits and sexy smoking jackets.

Perrin Antiquaires

 98 rue du Fbg St-Honoré Paris 75008 Métro: Champs-Elysées–Clemenceau

Founder Jacques Perrin and his son Philippe specialize in exceptional late 17th- to early 19th-century French furniture, painting, sculpture and decorative objects, displayed in a beautiful three-story mansion on the Place Beauvau.

Crypte Archéologique du Parvis Notre-Dame

 7 place Jean-Paul II Parvis Notre-Dame Paris 4th Métro: Cité, Saint Michel

Under the square in front of Notre Dame cathedral, the archeological remains of the ancient Gallo-Roman city, discovered during excavations between 1965 and 1977. Vestiges of streets and houses, with scale models showing the evolution of the city from the Roman era. Closed Mon.


 127 ave des Champs Elysées Paris 75008

The flagship store for the venerable French leather goods company known for its luggage and handbags, including a great-looking line named for French actress Isabelle Adjani.

Anna Joliet

 9 rue de Beaujolais, Palais Royal Paris 75001

A quaint little shop selling delightful, old-fashioned wind-up music boxes.

Musée Delacroix

 6 rue de Furstenberg Paris 75006 Métro: St-Germain-des-Prés

A tiny museum in Eugène Delacroix’s former home and studio, with a small collection of the artist’s paintings, drawings and memorabilia. Closed Tues.

The Different Company

 10 rue Ferdinand Duval Paris 75004

High-end niche perfume company created by Jean-Claude Ellena and his daughter Céline.

Galerie Ratton-Ladrière

 11 quai Voltaire Paris 75007 Métro: Rue du Bac

Along with museum-quality medieval, Renaissance and Baroque painting, drawings and sculpture, this Left Bank gallery carries archaeological objects and primitive arts.

Musée Zadkine

 100 bis rue d'Assas Paris 6th Métro: Vavin, Notre Dame des Champs

The charming garden home and studio of Russian-born sculptor Ossip Zadkine, hidden behind a wall near the Luxembourg Garden. The sculptor lived here from 1928 to his death in 1967 and his work is displayed in the studio and garden. Closed Mon.

Patrick Seguin

 5 rue des Taillandiers Paris 75011 Métro: Bastille

Installed near the Bastille since 1989, Patrick Seguin specializes in the big design names of the mid-20th century, including Jean Prouvé, Charlotte Perriand, Le Corbusier, Jean Royère and Pierre Jeanneret.

Le Marchand d’Etoiles

 4 rue du Pont aux Choux Paris 75003

The Star Merchant is the French equivalent of the Sandman, and the shop specializes in children’s nightwear—velour pajamas, angel-winged nightgowns, gold-dotted and star-studded boxer shorts.

Renaud Pellegrino

 149 rue Saint-Honoré 75001

Known for exquisite clutch bags.
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