Yoga in Paris: New Studios and the French Vocabulary You Need

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Yoga in Paris: New Studios and the French Vocabulary You Need
Head’s up yoga addicts! Parisians used to be famous for their dislike of exercise but that was… a long time ago. Yoga– all across the world– is more en vogue than ever and Paris has loads of options for practicing in the city. If you understand your yoga tutor’s instructions in French, it’s even better! If learning French and practicing yoga in Paris are your two mottos, this article is for you. I will share French yoga movement verbs, yogic poses in French and English. I will also recommend some new studios. (Click here for our full directory of yoga studios in Paris.) Where to Practice Yoga in Paris: The New Studios In recent years, a slew of new addresses has cropped up around the city. Most yoga studios offer different disciplines and classes with a variety of instructors from many backgrounds so that each person can find a type of yoga that fits into his or her lifestyle. Bromance Paname A cross between a yoga studio and a café, this studio is a real cocoon in the heart of the 11th. Founded by the hip duo Audrey & Elise, Bromance Paname is open from Monday to Sunday and welcomes you to have a coffee, drink a juice, read a book but also for different courses: pilates, yoga and bar. Different levels of intensity are offered and thanks to its two rooms that can accommodate up to 16 people each, several slots are available for lunch, dinner and weekends. Perfect when you are an active mom or a future mom. Bromance Paname, 8 rue du Grand Prieuré, 75011 Paris. Ici-Selfcare A few blocks from the Arc de Triomphe, Ici-Selfcare is a cozy bubble in the heart of the capital. Dedicated to women, the studio welcomes up to 10 participants maximum for each course. But for Sam Guelini, the founder of Ici-Selcare, it’s out of the question to take care of your body while neglecting your soul. Sam brings back from all over of the world the latest recipes of mixtures of herbs to be tasted at the end of classes and with organic magic ointments. Ici-Selfcare, 44 rue des Acacias, 75017 Paris. Mirz Yoga Mirz yoga offers the latest trends in the world of yoga and allows all participants to find a multitude of information on different schools of yoga: hatha, ashtanga or power yoga, iyengar … Miirz Yoga offers more weekly classes in its new well-being studio located in the heart of the 19th district. Workshops like yoga & hypnosis and yoga & running should definitely be tried. And the little bonus: Mirz yoga offers a great selection of health and wellness products. Mirz Yoga, 11 rue Delouvain, 75019 Paris Tigre Marais Tigre Yoga Club has opened last year a fifth address in Paris, in the heart of the Marais. Nestled in a cobblestone courtyard on rue du Perche, this 480 m2 holistic space is cozy with its neo-hippy sofas and cushions and softly painted walls. Bathed in natural light with its large windows, the main room of 80 m2 gives pride of place to the speciality of Tiger yoga, set out in a wide choice of 22 different practices. On the other side of the courtyard are Pilates, TRX, boxing and bar… Another option: the Pilates Machine room. Designed as a laboratory of mind-body practices, the Tigre Marais also houses a Japanese sauna and two massage rooms, while an “offline” meditation lounge is open for free. Tigre Marais, 11 rue du Perche, 75003 Paris. Yoga French Vocabulary Yoga Material During a lesson your instructor might ask you to use different material such as: Le tapis : mat Le bloc : block La sangle / La ceinture : strap French Yoga Movement Verbs People from all over the world enjoy practicing yoga in France. However, the French yoga vocabulary and movement verbs in French can be challenging for foreigners. Here are a few movement verbs in the infinitive form: Se mettre à quatre pattes : to get down on all fours S’asseoir : to sit down S’allonger : to lay down Se placer : place yourself Se retourner : to turn over Fléchir / plier : to bend Tendre : to extend Se détendre : to relax Relâcher : to release Lever : to put up Baisser : to lower Ramener : to bring back Etirer : to stretch French Yoga Instruction To understand the yoga instructions in French is a perfect way to understand the imperative form. You will learn at the same time how someone will ask you not to do something. Echauffez-vous : warm up Allongez-vous : lie down Activez la jambe arrière : move the back leg Ancrez bien les pieds dans le sol : press / anchore your feet on the ground Allongez-vous sur le dos avec les lombaires collés au sol : lie down on your back, your lumber vertebra touching the ground Collez les épaules en arrière : stick your shoulders back Descendez les jambes à 45% : lower your legs at 45 degrees Fléchissez les pieds : bend your feet Fléchissez vos genoux et posez vos pieds à plat : bend your knees and put your feet flat on the ground Levez les jambes à l’équerre : raise your legs at 90 degrees Ecarter les jambes : open your legs Pliez la jambe droite: fold your right leg Placez les paumes de main sur le sol : place the palms of your hands on the ground Posez le front au sol : put your forehead on the ground Pressez les mains dans le sol : press your hands on the ground Poussez sur les bras : press on your arms Relâchez les épaules : release your shoulders Ramenez le bas du dos au sol : lower your back to the ground Redressez-vous vertèbre après vertèbre : straigten up vertebra by vertebra Tendez les bras vers le haut : stretch your arms upwards Soulevez le buste : rise up your upper body Serrez les coudes contre le buste : keep your elbows at your side Breathing Breathing is very important in yoga positions or postures. In…

Lead photo credit : Yoga in Paris. Photo: French à La Carte

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Based in Paris, Florence is the founder of French a la Carte, an agency that offers private and tailor-made French lessons to expats and also immersion in Paris with private tours in easy French for French learners. Florence is a "Parisienne" with her eyes turned toward abroad, and she has as an endless curiosity for Paris. She feels both like a native and an expat who likes to play the tourist in her own city. She was first a press attachée for ARTE, a Franco-German cultural TV channel, before turning to French language teaching. She founded French à La Carte in 2012. For lovers of Paris who would like to improve their conversational French in a efficient and enjoyable manner, French à La Carte also offers private tours which immerse the students in the vibrancy of Paris, with fulfilling outdoor activities adjusted to the level in French of each student. A pastry and chocolate tour in Saint-Germain-des-Près, the discovery of Paris vibrant neighborhoods, a private visit to the Rodin museum or a tour on the influential & feminist women in Paris, these are examples of what French à La Carte can offer. You can contact her at for more information on French lessons or private tours.


  • Florence Harang
    2019-04-13 05:02:05
    Florence Harang
    Thank you Marie for your message ! if you would like to know more abour our customized individual lessons, do not hesitate to send me an e-mail : [email protected] I wish you a good week-end Florence French à La Carte


  • Mary
    2019-04-11 21:10:49
    What a great article! I would love to learn Fren h from you!