Quinoa Cakes Green Olives, Lemon Zest and Fresh Herbs:LA CUCINA di TERRESA

Quinoa Cakes Green Olives, Lemon Zest and Fresh Herbs:LA CUCINA di TERRESA
I thought I’d offer a recipe for quinoa cakes. Quinoa is that wonderfully particular grain that’s indigenous to the Andes Mountains in South America. It contains a close to perfect balance of all eight essential amino acids – particularly high in lysine often lacking in vegetables – and thus is a great source of protein for those eating an essentially plant-based diet. It’s distinctive nutty, somewhat smoky flavor offers a bit of a creative challenge in pairing other tastes to it. It has a natural coating of bitter-tasting saponins. Though for most quinoa sold commercially the saponins have been processed out, I always wash it in several changes of water until the water becomes clear. This recipe is rather simple and, from beginning to end, takes about an hour of preparation and cooking. Please take a look at my website, and feel free to subscribe to my Newsletter.  Quinoa Cakes Green Olives, Lemon Zest and Fresh Herbs (makes 6 – 8 cakes)  For cakes:  150 gr (1 cup) quinoa 400 ml (1 3/4 cups) water 1 large egg lightly beaten Unrefined sea salt  For topping: 100 gr (3/4 cup) goat-cheese yogurt (if unavailable, cow or sheep yogurt will do) 90 gr (generous 1/2 cup) pitted green olives (Provencal), coarsely chopped 3 large cloves of garlic, coarsely chopped (about 2 tablespoons worth) 2/3 – 3/4 cup mixed fresh herbs, lightly chopped Zest of 1/2 medium-sized lemon 8 – 10 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil  Put a pot of water to boil on the stove. Wash quinoa in a mesh strainer under running water over a large bowl. Three changes of water should suffice for the water to become clear. Add quinoa to boiling water and stir. Cover and cook over low heat until water is absorbed and quinoa is dry (about 20 minutes). Remove from heat and let stand for five minutes. Transfer to a large bowl, fluff up with a fork, and let cool. Add beaten egg and a pinch of unrefined sea salt. Lightly oil an 8 cm (3 1/4 inch) ramekin with olive oil and pack 3/4 full with the quinoa mixture. Unmold on a generously oiled baking sheet or pan. Repeat the operation with the rest of the mixture, oiling the ramekin anew each time. Bake in an oven preheated to 400˚F until crispy brown, about 30 minutes.  Take the yogurt out of the refrigerator and measure ahead of time so that it warms to room temperature. Coarsely chop the olives. Peel the garlic cloves, cut in half and remove the sprout, then coarsely chop. Peel the zest off the lemon with a vegetable peeler and scrap or cut off any white pith. Slice into very thin 1-inch pieces. Lightly chop the various herbs. (I used what was in my refrigerator: a bit of dill, cilantro, sage, parsley and chervil. Be inventive) Heat the lemon strips in a dry skillet over low heat until they just begin to curl, shaking often so they don’t burn. Remove and set aside. A few minutes before the quinoa cakes are done sauté the olives in 4 tablespoons olive oil over medium heat for 2 minutes, add the garlic and lemon zest and cook for another 3 minutes, or until the edges of the garlic begin to turn golden, shaking the skillet often. Add the rest of the olive oil then the fresh herbs, stir to coat, and cook for just a minute or two. Season with salt and freshly ground pepper to taste, and drizzle on a bit more olive oil if needed. (You shouldn’t need much salt, if any, as the olives will impart their salty nature). Remove the cakes from the oven, place them on a serving dish or individual plates, top with the yogurt, and garnish with the olive oil-herb mixture. Serve immediately.  Wonderful with the French wine "Lo Vielh" (100% Carignan) from Clos du Gravillas  Or try one of these California wines : Lang and Reed 2007 North Coast Cabernet Franc  Palmina Dolcetto, 2007, Santa Barbara County.
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