Kindle Your Passion for Paris: Kindle Fire and Kindle Touch

Kindle Your Passion for Paris: Kindle Fire and Kindle Touch
What’s a better way to travel France then lugging along heavy, bulky guide books? Take along a Kindle reader loaded with your favorite travel guides. It’s easy to use and don’t be surprised if you’re addicted within only a few hours of use. Even better yet: turn on your Kindle Fire and get lost in a book or magazine, watch a movie or play a game, browse the Web or your email while traveling or in a line. It’s a traveler’s dream! Readers with Kindles can download entire books and read a few pages when they have time. Many people become addicted within only a few hours. They curl up in lounge chairs and lose themselves in a world of reading. The size is very appropriate and travelers won’t feel as if they’re flittering away their time while in transit. Fabulous Features: * Wireless downloading of books: Look up a book, read a summary and/or a few reviews and then buy it instantly. It’s an easy, convenient and powerful feature. Entire books really do download in just a few seconds. * Readability: The one-handed reading, the overall size of the reader, the crisp text and the variable font size all work together to make the experience while reading a real plus. The text font size can be increased or decreased with a touch. * Subscription content can be delivered anytime, even while you sleep. Cancel your subscriptions for print newspapers, stay in bed and turn on the Kindle. Voilà, read your morning papers without leaving the warmth of your bed. * The Kindle holds an incredible amount of content—a Kindle Fire has 8GB of memory plus a cloud, so memory will never be an issue. Kindles are about the height of a small paperback and they’re getting thinner with every generation. All are small enough to slip into your purse or briefcase. Fire up your Kindle whenever you have to wait for more than a minute—no time lost. Your Kindle can return to the last section you read, or with a tap you can access a list of thousands of available books, magazines, movies, apps and documents. This is great for multi-taskers who enjoying flipping between books, magazines and newspapers. Pick whatever interests you at the moment. * Battery Life: You may never have downtime if you recharge, and the Kindle Fire can be used for about 8 hours. The Kindles without video can be used for a month or more without a battery recharge. Batteries charge quickly and you can still read for hours on a very low indicator. A Kindle Touch can be used for two months of reading. * Plays music files: I put some instrumental mp3 music files on my SD card and it’s nice to have background music when the mood strikes you. * Subscriptions Revisited: You may still prefer a printed newspaper if extras such as photos, comics, puzzles, letters to editor and such matter to you. Magazine and newspaper subscriptions on Kindle include articles, but the complete experience of reading a newspaper digitally is not quite duplicated in online content, which can also be said for reading articles at any website. Remember back to when it was rare to see people using iPods, iPads or Kindles? Now, they’re everywhere. And speaking of iPads, they cost hundreds of dollars more. I’ve owned Kindles and briefly had an iPad, which was more complicated to use than the Kindle. The iPad2 still costs about $500 compared to $199 for the Kindle Fire or about $149 or 189 for the Kindle Touch—and for that price you don’t get 3G WIFI with the iPad. If you measure your life in seconds, the iPad is said to be faster, but again, there is the cost and what’s 10 seconds here and there? Kindle models are available in various prices. Check the features, compare and choose whichever model suits you—you can do basic reading with all of them. For me, Kindle is the way to go. © Paris New Media, LLC Karen Fawcett is the publisher of BonjourParis. Please click on her name to read more about her and the hundreds of stories she has published here. Subscribe for free weekly newsletters with subscriber-only content. BonjourParis has been a leading online France travel and French lifestyle site since 1995.   Top 100 France-themed books & more: Readers’ Favorites. Check out the Kindle Touch 3G and the Kindle Fire… and don’t forget a protective cover.               Thank you for using our link to…your purchases support our free site.  
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