Chestnuts Roasting on the Champs

Tis the season to be jolly, it’s true but it’s also chestnut season, which is especially important in Paris where vendors sell fresh-roasted chestnuts from the streets and the smell alone is enough to convince you that fall has arrived. In French, chestnuts are called either marrons (which is also used as a hair color, as it is in English) or chataignes. They are eaten roasted or used in cooking, especially as part of stuffing during the holiday season. As a dessert food, they may be sugared (marrons glaces), in a confiture, pureed into a crème or even covered in chocolate. Like oysters, marrons are associated with the traditional end of the year festivities and foods. While it is illegal to bring fresh marrons into the U.S., Lafayette Gourmet sells many products made with chestnuts that will allow you to bring home a small part of the season. The Hediard boutique, located right in the center of Lafayette Gourmet, has the widest selection of fancy chestnut products for cooking or gift giving. Copyright (c) Suzy Gershman
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