Guided Tour for Individuals at Musée Jacquemart-André

Musée Jacquemart-André

Event Details

Start: 13th Sep 2020
End: 8th Jan 2021
+33 (0) 1 45 62 11 59
Musée Jacquemart-André, Paris1

Event Description

This guided tour will take you through the “Turner, paintings and watercolors from the Tate collections” exhibitions. Strongly rooted in the romantic spirit of the early XIX th century, Turner remains a modern artist considered as a precursor of the impressionist movement and abstract art, his works continue to dazzle us with their singular treatment light and color. 
Practical Information
Timetable: 9.40am 
Duration of the visit: 1h30 
Meeting in the museum entrance porch, overlooking Boulevard Haussmann 
Each visit will be held from 10 participants.
Please see here for the full list of guided walk dates.

Photo: Musée Jacquemart-André. Christophe Recoura, Wikipedia (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Event Categories: Art, Exhibitions